The Great John-Boy/Corabeth Fan Rumble

To the tune of "The Tonight Quintet" from West Side Story

JB Fans:
The John-Boy fans will have their way--tonight.
We'll have a John-Boy kind of day--tonight.
Those Ronnie Claire fanatics don't know
We’re Richard Thomas addicts;
She'll just have to go-o-oooooo!

CB Fans:
The Godseys fans will have their day--tonight.
No smarmy Waltons in the way--tonight.
That glasses-wearin' punk'll go down
And when he's hollared uncle--
We'll rename the town! (Godsey’s Mountain)

Tonight, Tonight--
It's Corabeth and Ike
And scenes with Aimee thrown in for fun.

JB Fans:
Tonight, Tonight--
We'll just see John-Boy write
Journal entries from dusk until dawn!

Today, the reruns were so boring--
Those scenes of Grandpa snoring--
You know they've gone too far!
For Geer is just
Supporting cast

JB Fans:
RT is a star!

CB Fans:
